Monday, June 26, 2023

Week 36 - 3D Art

Gameboy - P2

Ahhhh feelsgoodman.

Not only did I finish the high poly, I had some exta time to retop. 
It feels nice to not be dying for one

Here's how it came out:

Refined Port on low poly

High poly in Maya


Here's my updated schedule; I forsee this going well actually

W3: UV, Materials + in engine
W4: Feedback & Refinement; touchup previous project, prep for next project

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Week 35 - Sprint 3


MGR Project - Sprint 3

Metal Gear Rahhhhhh

I did things. I uprezzed things. I didn't get to everything yet, I plan to by this weekend. 
I have no idea where this is going. The disgusting level of over scope has finally reared its full head and oh lord it's physically impossible to complete.

But that's for next week. For now, here's what I got:

And back to Maya


Also since it's really hard to measure the work I did this sprint, here's shots of each part so you can see the intricacy needed.

So update to schedule:

Sprint 4: Request feedback. Go from there.
Sprint 5: Finish + Polish

Friday, June 16, 2023

Week 35 - 3D Art


Gameboy - p1

This time I've opted to not blow myself up from over scope, like I've done with my other projects. I've given myself something nice and simple to give myself some time to finish the prior project, catchup w/MGR, and perhaps enjoy if God permits. 

So yeah. This week I'm doing a Gameboy. I'm gonna combine my first post w/ the reference post for sake of ease.

Here's how it came out:


Low/Mid Poly?

Low/Mid poly closed


So yah. After the hellfire that was the last project, this was a weird breath of fresh air, and I felt most relaxed working on it

Here's my schedule: 

W1: Reference, Blockout, Low Poly

W2: high Poly

W3: Retop, UV, Materials and simple scene setup

W4: Feedback and refinement; touchup previous project, prep for next project

And my update:

W: Finish High Poly, Uprez and do Zbrush high poly
W3: Retop, UV, Materials + Simple Scene
W4: Feedback & Refinement; touchup previous project, prep for next project

Monday, June 12, 2023

Week 34 - 3D Art

Flagship - Final

I am getting rather tired of 11:55 turn ins resulting from constant minor issues needing fixing, miscalculations, and everything taking longer then it should.

Here's how it came out:

Still need to finish the black indents, blue stripes, logo, and adding emissives to the glowy bits. I really like how everything else came out

That's all for now. Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Week 33 - Common Art

Sprint 2 - Metal Gear Rex

Sprint 2 lets go we're def behind.

Here's how it came out:

Cinematic Angles

Front N Back

Focus of Details this sprint

Maya Stuff



So update to schedule

Sprint 3: Finish Maya high Poly, start Zbrush high poly
Sprint 4: Finish Zbrush  holy poly (if needed), Retop, Uv, First pass bake N textures
Sprint 5: Final Textures + Polish, Further polish based on feedback

Monday, June 5, 2023

Week 33 - 3D Art

Rebel Flagship - p3

Suffering builds character.

This week I redid the entire high poly. all of it. Like I said last week, maya destroyed my high poly beyond repair and it needed to be redone.

Now it is redone. 

So here's p1:

Redone Maya High Poly


FINALLY Zbrush High Poly

AND THEN I did this weeks worth. (very fun):


Annnnd that's about it. Almost on track for this final week. I need to still vault the massive common art hurdle swinging at me full speed, but that's tomorrow me's problem.

Schedule update: Final turn in:

Uv, Bake, Texture, In-engine and Lit
Final renders.

Thanks for reading. Adios.

Research Project

  Hardsurface / 3D Modeling Tutorial   Intro   Hi. I’m Christian Zwick, call me Zwick.        I am a 3d artist, specifically a ha...