Thursday, April 27, 2023

Week 29.5 - 3D Art

G11 - Final

Annnnnd we're here. 3 days later I had to finish ALL the substance textures + scene + lighting. I wanted to finish this last checkup but every step of the way came with like an extra long step that made everything take longer.

But without further ado

Here's how it came out:

Here's the substance renders

And the combined UV's

annnnnd that's it.

I hacve 10 mins to prep for industry review and get this turned in.

I die. 

Thanks for reading, see y'all in the summer.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Week 29 - 3D Art

G11 - p3

Alot of progress made, still slightly behind schedule.

Here's what I got:

I finished boolean-ing and polishing the high rez

Pushed to Maya, got to Retoping.

And rn I'm UV'ing still, but the model itself is retopped now. 

I went from ~30000 polys to ~12700. About a 55% decimation.

And here's an overview of all the stages: 
Blockout -> Lowpoly -> Retop -> Highpoly

Apporx 21 hours of work went into this week. I died a little. 

Onto the UV, baking, substance, and scene. Basically the 20% that gives me the 80%, due in 3.5 days.

That's all. See ya.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Week 28 - Common Art

Figure drawing - week wow

We're so back. 
Bet you were wondering non existent reader where my common art posts went for an entire 2 month. 
WELL... it went to figure drawing. Drawing naked people. For 2 months. Yeah.

Now you might be wondering

"Hey Zwick, you're a digital, 3D, hardsurface modeler: How did you feel about doing traditional 2D illustrations of softsurface objects for 2 months straight?"

I felt exactly how'd you'd expect, given that statement. 

But in time I've been slapped enough to warm up to it, and after it was all said and done? I felt I did a pretty good job. 

So here ya go.

Here's how it came out:

So yeah. Those are my best works from the class. Everything else is mid-tier poses, memes, and circles. 

Though for purely comedic effect (and reference): Here was my first drawing in figure drawing class.

I think I've made some improvements. 

That's about it. I will now never touch traditional arts again, except for gags and doodles. 

Thanks for reading. See ya.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Week 28 - 3D Art


G11 - p2

It is week 2 of G11 project.

I opted to do most of my high poly stuff in maya before bopping over to zbrush, then made final touchups there.

Here's how it came out:

Welp. This is basically 100 ton 2.0. 

Lotta shit to get into, but the big TLDR is that:

Firstly the ridiculous amount of small bits and bobs on this thing. Seriously.
Secondly: uprezzing all those small bits and bob's without losing integrity
Thirdly: finding countless little things that needed to be fixed during that process.
and finally: separating out certain parts to create more realism. Then uprezzing that.

Jesus. I planned on having it done and at least starting the retop + uv but that's getting shelved to this week. 

That's all folks.


Schedule update:

W3: Finish high poly, Retop + UV, first pass substance textures + in game
W3.5: Any catchup stuff, 2nd pass textures + in game. 

Monday, April 10, 2023

Week 27 - 3D Art

G11 - p1: Ref, Block, and Low

For the final spring project, I was missing a key part of any hard surface artists portfolio:

A g u n.

So I made a g u n.

I chose the funny german space gun.


And that's about it. Suffered a lot because I had a bad reference photo, which basically ate 3 - 4 hours of my time, but otherwise good progress. I'll have to catch up a bit and finish the high poly this week.

To update schedule:

W2: Polish Low Poly, Separate Parts, High Poly, Retop + UV
W3: Polish HP/ Retop + UV, first pass baking + substance, basic lighting scene + renders
w3.5: Polish/2nd pass textures, more unique lighting?

Friday, April 7, 2023

Week 26 - G11


For my next project, I am making a G11.

It took me a hot sec to consider tbh. Unlike my fellow peeps, I really didn't have a "must do" rolling into this final choose your own project. This combined with some recent complications with my capstone + self discoveries made things... complicated.

TLDR as a hard surface modeler I thought one of 3 things would be best: a spaceship, a car, or a weapon. So I chose a weapon.

So yeah. Here's my reference board:

So yeah. That's about it. For a schedule:

W1: Blockout + scaling, low poly v1 & 2, ready to transfer to zbrush
W2: High poly. Return to maya and retop + UV
W3: Make any retop polishes based on feedback, substance + ingame (basic lit scene), basic renders
W3.5: Make any final changes + catchup, create more interesting scene. Final renders.

that's all folks.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Week 26 - 3D Art

3D Art - Env Project p4

Final week final week aaaaaaaaaaaa

So my workload essentially doubled. I went from "oh yah I finished up fast and got my stuff done" to "ah fuck my workload got doubled."

Something something don't complete your work too fast or they'll just give you more >:C

So yeah. I finished up those 3 pots from last time fully. I was ALSO requested to do another big gem thing, start to finish in a single week. Fun fun.

Here's how it came out:

Annndddd that's about it.

So this was a quantity over quality sort of deal. None of this is my best work, but it's all pretty dang good and pads up my artstation/portfolio with more hard surface variety

Research Project

  Hardsurface / 3D Modeling Tutorial   Intro   Hi. I’m Christian Zwick, call me Zwick.        I am a 3d artist, specifically a ha...