Monday, October 31, 2022

Week 9 - 3D Art

Week 9 - Cannon P2

Week 2 into the cannon project. Still on the proxy/game res stage, this time tasked with not onlt tidying up the core cannon, but also carving out an environment for it to inhabit.

My brain just kinda did something. I didn't use any referances or inspiration. I just had raw intuition and an artistic eye to guide me.

Here's how it came out:

 I want to create some kinda cube ancient runes, with rocks growing strangely organically. Add some glowing stuff and moss maybe. Maybe mushrooms? Maybe Mushrooms.

That's all really. Thanks for reading.

Also here's some maya shots: 

Friday, October 28, 2022

Week 8 - Common Art

Common Art - VR Project

For common art: we were assigned a team in order to collaborate and make a VR project. We were task with creating a scene in Unreal and to make model hands, objects, animations and interactions to practice the pipeline and learn more as artists.

My team and I elected to do a Mario inspired experience, specifically from bowsers perspective. Tasks were handed out accordingly to create everything. 

Our team had an extra person (Me) and so all other main graded tasks were accounted for, so I elected to do a boswer themed table! This week just the proxy was due, so I whipped up something asap.

Here's how it came out:

Overall I like how it went! I used Mario party bowser themed platforms for refences in a pureref board:

And that's about it! Had some minor bumps with the team personally, but otherwise it's going well. 

Here's my files in P4.

Thanks for reading.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Week 8 - 3D Art

Week 8 - Cannon Project P1

This week, and for the rest of the semester, we have just one more assignment: a cannon.

Usually a simplier project given in 3D undergrad, now bolstered to it's own focus. We're going to spend the remainder of this fall semester digging into this project.

I started out with a Pureref board: 

Then I got to work in Maya.

I started with the cannon and worked my way down, using the display above as a base. Now of course looking at the real model I started to notice some... additions that were made. I did my best to account for them all and for blocking out the general shape.

Here's how it came out:

That's about it. Here's some more beauty shots:

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Week 7 - Common Art

Week 7 - For, Mid, and Background

For this assignment, we had to create a piece that had l a y e r s (like an onion), with a strong foreground, midground, and background. From what I heard, we could use whatever median we wanted, and furthermore our professor suggested we play around with a 3D space and see if we could play with post processing to get a more 2D look. SO to expand my skillset I played with it.

It was challenging to say the least. I had to get help from my friend Lisa (her blog is linked on the right panel!), and even then I threw it in photoshop to iron out the lighting and shadows more.

Here's how it came out:

It came out alright. Out of everything I've done so far this is def my least favorite. It was challenging like the lats projects but unlike it I don't feel like I improved artistically. Oh well.

Perhaps there will be an upgrade, perhaps not. Either way: it happened.

Thanks for reading.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Week 7 - 3D Art

3D Art - Companion Cube p3!

   For the third and final lap we had to take our cube into substance painter and paint her up! Much simpler then that last part!

I'll have to update later with more specifics on how I textured everything but it's rather late. Long story short I simply exported the Zbrush files directly into substance VIA naming conventions. The box itself is rather low poly, but the textures placed on it are high poly and contain its normals, metalics, etc etc! Just like they do in real games to save framerate.

Here's how it came out:

Aaaaaaaand that's about it. It took a good bit to relearn substance and zbrush, but overall I'm happy with the final product!

Thanks for reading. 

Week 6 - 3D Art

Week 6 - Companion Cube P2

For week 6 we had to take the companion cube into zbrush and bake its maps!

Firstly I re-typoligized in maya to smooth it out and turn all the tri's to quads (Zbrush doesn't like tri's); I then took that high poly version and brough it into Zbrush.

In Zbrush the first thing I did was use the Dynamesh tool and cranked the resolution from 128 to 400. This would give me all the typology I need to start adding polish. Then I just imported some brushed provided by our instructor Nick and got to work! 

I added divides, screws, bumps and scratches; all the nice things.

Here's how it came out:

Aaaaaand that's about it. I really started to go off model with this one and tried to make a more "polished" version. I really like how it came out! Only thing left is to texture next week.

Thanks for reading.

Monday, October 3, 2022

Week 5 - Common Art

Week 6 - Composition

Week 6 was about composition, and was beyond any doubt the hardest assignment yet. Not only did we have to create a piece centered around a compositional type, but we had to ALSO observe another artists style and emulate elements of it into our own works, AS WELL AS ensure we incorporated ALL previous techniques covered in this course! (It's also worth noting this is the second project where we had to create a completely original work VS being given assets/reference beforehand.)

Suffice to say this combined with Hurricane Ian delayed my work on this project significantly.

SO... without further delay, here's how it came out:

The technique used was circular composition, the artist/studio that inspired my design was Creature Box.

Again, this is one of the LONGEST projects I've done yet. There was actually an entirely different drawing I originally made: 

But for some reason I was unsatisfied with it (and its composition was unclear), so I experimented until I came up with a more interesting and circular design like you see in the original. Then it was just creating it.

That's about it. Thanks for reading.

Research Project

  Hardsurface / 3D Modeling Tutorial   Intro   Hi. I’m Christian Zwick, call me Zwick.        I am a 3d artist, specifically a ha...